Did your injury occur during an accident at work?
It is possible that your treatments are covered by the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST).
Please call us directly at the clinic to make an appointment.
In order to begin your physiotherapy treatments, you must provide us:
Your medical report on which your doctor prescribes physiotherapy treatments.
Your worker's claim. This is a document that explains what happened during your accident at work (in most cases, you should already have completed it, paper or online version).
Please provide us with these documents before your first appointment directly at the clinic or by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com. No authorization from the CNESST is required to start your treatments, except in the case of a relapse.
Occupational therapy
In order to begin your occupational therapy treatments, you must provide us:
Your medical report on which your doctor prescribes occupational therapy treatments.
Your worker's claim. This is a document that explains what happened during your accident at work (in most cases, you should already have completed it, paper or online version).
Please provide us with these documents before your first appointment directly at the clinic or by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com.
To begin your treatments, there must be a period of six (6) weeks between the date of the accident and the start of the treatments (unless your doctor authorizes you and mentions it on your medical report).
In order to start your acupuncture treatments, you must provide us with:
Your medical report on which your doctor prescribes acupuncture treatments.
Your worker's claim . This is a document that explains what happened during your accident at work (in the majority of cases, you should have already completed it, paper or online version).
Please provide us with these documents before your first appointment directly at the clinic or by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com . We will have to send them to the CNESST and wait for their authorization before starting the treatments.

Did your injury occur in a traffic accident ?
Your treatments may be covered by the Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec ( SAAQ ).
Before starting physiotherapy treatments, we must obtain authorization from the SAAQ.
In order to submit a request for authorization, the patient must provide us:
Last name and first name;
Phone number;
Date of Birth;
Health insurance number (RAMQ);
Date of accident;
Medical prescription for physiotherapy treatment;
SAAQ claim number. To open a compensation file with the SAAQ: here.
Please send us your information by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com or by phone at 450 641-4610 . Once we have received all your information, we will send a request to the SAAQ. Once the authorization has been obtained, we will contact you to make an appointment .
If you wish to begin treatment before obtaining authorization from the SAAQ, you will have to pay the costs of the appointments. Subsequently, if authorization is obtained, you will have to take steps with the SAAQ to obtain your reimbursement.
Occupational Therapy
Before starting occupational therapy treatments, we must obtain authorization from the SAAQ.
In order to submit a request for authorization, the patient must provide us:
Last name and first name;
Phone number;
Date of Birth;
Health insurance number (RAMQ);
Date of accident;
Medical prescription for physiotherapy;
SAAQ claim number. To open a compensation file with the SAAQ: here.
Please send us your information by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com or by phone at 450 641-4610 . Once we have received all your information, we will send a request to the SAAQ. Once the authorization has been obtained, we will contact you to make an appointment .
If you wish to begin treatment before obtaining authorization from the SAAQ, you will have to pay the costs of the appointments. Subsequently, if authorization is obtained, you will have to take steps with the SAAQ to obtain your reimbursement.
We do not do an assessment to determine the level of ability to drive.
Before starting acupuncture treatments, we must obtain authorization from the SAAQ.
In order to submit a request for authorization, the patient must provide us:
Last name and first name;
Phone number;
Date of Birth;
Health insurance number (RAMQ);
Date of accident;
Medical prescription for physiotherapy;
SAAQ claim number. To open a compensation file with the SAAQ: here .
Please send us your information by email at info@vivaphysiosante.com or by phone at 450 641-4610 . Once we have received all your information, we will send a request to the SAAQ. Once the authorization has been obtained, we will contact you to make an appointment .
If you wish to begin treatment before obtaining authorization from the SAAQ, you will have to pay the costs of the appointments. Subsequently, if authorization is obtained, you will have to take steps with the SAAQ to obtain your reimbursement.
For acupuncture treatments, all SAAQ patients will have to pay the difference between the price of the treatment in clinic and the amount covered by the SAAQ.

Are you part of the Canadian Armed Forces or are you a Veteran of Canada?
It is possible to make an appointment in our clinic. We are part of the official care providers.
National Defense - Active Military
It is possible to make an appointment now for physiotherapy, massage therapy, osteopathy and acupuncture services.
At the time of your appointment, please have on hand:
Your prescription from your military base medical office (this is a yellow paper). On this document, make sure that the name of your therapist figure as well as the number of appointments authorized .
Before starting treatment for physiotherapy, massage therapy, osteopathy or acupuncture, please send us your annual medical prescription by email to info@vivaphysiosante.com in order to proceed with the authorization request. Once authorization has been received, we will contact you to make an appointment.
For requests for additional treatments, please make the request to your therapist directly so that he or she completes a specific form that we will send in order to obtain authorization.